At Home-Start Cymru we believe in humanity and equality, that’s why we provide support to refugees and asylum seekers. We know it was hard enough to flee your own country and settle in the UK. So that’s why our staff members provide emotional and practical support to those struggling to navigate the system.

Our Support for refugees and asylum seekers project provides advice and support on services (such as housing, benefits, health, employment and English skills), working with each refugee on a tailored plan towards independence and integration.

We help refugees to rebuild their lives using the resilience, strength and skills acquired on their journeys. We provide emotional and practical support and help families understand local customs, and access healthcare and education. And we help them to meet local people and gain confidence and independence.

We help settle families into their new homes and communities by providing:

• advice and support on rights and entitlements:

• support in accessing housing services, health services and education

• support with social integration

 • support to open a bank account

• GP registration

• school registration

 • signposting to local activities