Home–Start Cymru offers life changing support to families with young children to make sure that every child has the opportunity of the best start in life.  Put simply we are there for parents when they need us most, because childhood cannot wait.

The early years of a child’s life are when we can make the biggest impact, Home-Start Cymru helps to build these foundations to give children the best possible future.

Being a parent can be lonely and very challenging at times, then when life changing events are also brought in to the mix being a parent can be very tough.

Home-Start Cymru’s expert staff and trained volunteers work alongside families to give personalised non-judgmental, compassionate and confidential support. We are there to offer  emotional support with a listening ear and practical assistance to access other services. With the friendly support of a volunteer visiting the family at home, parents and carers can rebuild their confidence and overcome barriers to social isolation.  

We are able to support parents to be the best parent they want to be. We can act as a bridge, providing information and guidance, and connecting families with support networks such as health services, schools, and local community projects.

In addition to our core support, we offer specialised support through various additional projects. These include in certain areas:

Neurodivergent support

We provide staff-led targeted 1:1 support for families on the neurodivergent pathway, including ongoing peer group support. Information is shared with families as well as signposting to existing services for more specialised support.

Behaviour Management

Qualified staff deliver targeted sessions to support parents to understand their child’s behaviour challenges and explore ways to manage it. Sessions are delivered with both the parent and child.

Peer Support Groups

We facilitate group support sessions where families come together, share experiences, and build social connections. These groups address specific topics or challenges, allowing parents to learn from one another and provide mutual support.

Refugees/Asylum Seekers

We offer 1:1 staff support for families seeking sanctuary. Families are supported to identify support networks in their communities, build wider and healthy relationships and support their children to transition into education. Ongoing support is offered by volunteers.

Housing and Financial Support

A specific project to support families with housing challenges, as well as supporting with financial maximisation. Support is delivered by trained staff.

Dad Matters

Supporting dads with children during the perinatal phase, we encourage attachment and bonding and the building of healthy relationships with newborns.

Early Years Communication

Our qualified staff offer targeted sessions to support communication, the building of healthy relationships and supporting parents to understand how best to meet their pre -school children’s needs